Dr. Ben Carson and Brain Supplements

DR BEN CARSONMillions know about Dr. Ben Carson, a renowned neurosurgeon, politician, and gifted individual who devised new techniques for brain surgeries and worked miracles for patients throughout his career. He treated brain stem tumors, controlled seizures, and successfully separated conjoined twins during his career.

After moving away from the medical field in 2013, Dr. Carson got linked with different pharmaceutical companies, including Mannatech, Galactin Therapeutics, and others, giving speeches on their brain-boosting products. In addition, he appeared for Mannatech’s promotional videos and had doses of their product, Ambrotose, which alleviated brain disorders and hypertension.

Most of the brain-enhancing products were not FDA approved. This implied that the pills were not safe for consumption. However, people, including Dr. Carson, thought it otherwise. They proclaimed that these supplements boosted brain functioning and improved agility and performance.

Dr. Carson and the Mannatech Dilemma

Dr. Carson and Mannatech had a long relationship of 10 years. During this time, he gave public speeches, attended annual conferences, and took part in a promotional video to talk about its hyped product, Ambrotose. This product was a brain booster, non-FDA-approved, and a potent cure for different diseases, such as diabetes and cancer, as labeled by Mannatech’s sales force.

The Texas Attorney General challenged this claim in 2007 and accused the company of deceptive marketing strategies. The company had to pay $7 million to settle it in the end.

Dr. Carson’s relationship took a downturn with the company when he was questioned on his involvement and endorsement of Ambrotose, which he refuted plainly. However, he said he was an active user of the product, but he never endorsed it.

When asked at a GOP debate session in 2015, Carson said, “I didn’t have an involvement with them. That is total propaganda. And this is what happens in our society – total propaganda. I did a couple of speeches for them; I do speeches for other people. They were paid speeches. It is absolutely absurd to say that I had any kind of relationship with them. Do I take the product? Yes. I think it’s a good product.”

In addition to his speeches, Dr. Carson had taken a sum of $42,000 for his last speech. For the other three, the payment was transferred to his charity foundation. However, the latter part had been refuted by Mannatech when the Fact Checker asked to release the information related to the donation.

“There is simply no record of Mannatech, Inc., providing a donation to Johns Hopkins or Dr.Carson’s endowed chair at Johns Hopkins. If Dr. Carson said that Mannatech had provided a donation to his endowed chair at Johns Hopkins, he was mistaken” said one of Mannatech’s officials.

Dr. Carson’s image hit a new low when Mannatech placed videos and statements of his affirmations to the brain enhancement pills without his consent. At a session in 2015, Carson said, “I don’t have any formal relations with Mannatech. They can easily find out that any videos I did with them were not paid for, were things I truly believed.” However, the videos were removed ahead of Carson’s campaign announcement to comply with federal campaign finance regulations.

Upon rumors of his financial or contractual relationship with Mannatech, there is no evidence that Dr. Carson had one beyond his speeches and documentaries. In his 2004 speech, he stated, “I do not advocate abandoning traditional medical cures that have been shown to work. What I would, however, advocate is using natural products to supplement what’s done by traditional medicine. The two things do not have to be adversarial. In fact, they can be extremely complementary”.

In March 2014, Dr. Carson shot a PBS special documentary on brain health and glyconutrients. Modern scientists, however, refute the fact that there is no scientific evidence that glyconutrients prevent or cure diseases. Dr. Ronald Schnaar, a professor of neuroscience, states that there is no science about it, and glyconutrients is a made-up term.

On the other hand, Memorial Sloan Kettering Medical Center, a top cancer treatment facility, defines glyconutrients as a group of sugars extracted from plants and aids in cell-to-cell communication. Dr. Carson also stated that these compounds are present in different fruits and vegetables, and we can concentrate them in pills and powders.

Other Products

Apart from Ambrotose, Dr. Carson has been linked with multiple other products. One of them is the brain supplement NZT-48, an IQ-boosting drug that affects a person’s memory. Other personalities, such as Denzel Washington and Tom Brady, have also been associated with it.

The story within the news channels depicted the headlines, “Exclusive, Carson: ‘We can now access 100% of the brain’ – Dr. Carson, Neurosurgeon”. However, when Dr. Carson realized that he was aligned with this memory booster’s endorsement, he refuted the statement through one of his representatives. Also, Denzel Washington dismissed his involvement as inappropriate.

Lastly, Dr. Carson was linked with Oleandrin, an FDA-rejected supplement by Phoenix Biotechnology. Upon taking this supplement, he stated that his COVID symptoms disappeared within hours. However, he said that this drug should not be promoted as a Coronavirus treatment unless it undergoes clinical trials approved by the FDA. However, on another occasion, it is rumored that he wanted President Trump to endorse this supplement for the public.


Contradictions Around Ben Carson

Apart from his astonishing career in medicine and politics, Dr. Ben Carson remained in the limelight for some of his statements. At one point, he stated that the brain could be electrically stimulated into perfect recall, a statement that was far more fiction than science.

“I could take the oldest person here, make a little hole right here on the side of the head and put some depth electrodes into their hippocampus and stimulate, and they would be able to recite to you, verbatim, a book they read 60 years ago.” said the renowned neurosurgeon.

This claim was refuted by some professional psychologists, including Darin Dougherty and Dan Simons. Carson was also criticized for raising doubts about vaccine safety.

On another occasion, Ben Carson was aligned with a successful brain-boosting supplement and was awarded the Nobel Prize for it. This statement was a rumor and had no evidence to back it. Also, Carson never created a brain-boosting supplement.

As far as Mannatech is concerned, there were rumors that Dr. Carson’s relationship continued with Mannatech even after 10 years.

Did Ben Carson Invent a Memory Medicine?

Similar to the rumor regarding the Nobel Prize, it was also assumed that Ben Carson is developing a brain-boosting medicine. It was highlighted under different names, such as Ben Carson’s memory booster, Dr. Ben Carson Brain Supplement, and Ben Carson memory pills in the media, but it wasn’t true.

The Bottom Line!

Dr. Ben Carson has been an avid user of brain enhancement pills and has talked about their advantages in public and private gatherings. He believes that these memory boosters are precious and can significantly improve a person’s cognitive, digestive, and immune systems. However, his political career was marred with controversies generated through links with companies like Mannatech, Phoenix Biotechnology, and others.

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