Onnit Total Human Pill Identifier – A Comprehensive Guide

In this Onnit Total Human Pill Identifier guide we will explore how, in the vast realm of health and wellness, Onnit Total Human emerges as a holistic supplement system meticulously crafted to address diverse facets of well-being. This comprehensive guide provides an in-depth exploration of Onnit Total Human, delving into its day and night formulas, along with a detailed breakdown of each pill and essential tips for proper usage.

What is Onnit Total Human?

Onnit Total Human is a revolutionary supplement system designed to support your body’s needs throughout the day and night. It comprises distinct day and night formulas, each containing a precisely curated blend of ingredients aimed at optimizing cognitive function, energy levels, and overall well-being.

Day Formula

Onnit total human day pack

The day formula is meticulously crafted to enhance cognitive performance, sustain energy levels, and promote overall vitality throughout the day.

Onnit total human day pack and pills

Alpha BRAIN®

alpha brain

Alpha BRAIN® stands as the flagship nootropic formula, specifically crafted to enhance mental speed, memory, and focus. It actively supports alpha brain waves, contributing to a state of wakeful relaxation, and aids neurotransmitter production for heightened cognitive function.

Pill Identifier: Capsule with light brown powder

Shroom Tech® SPORT

shroom tech sportShroom Tech® SPORT is a blend of clinically-studied ingredients carefully formulated to support cellular energy production, enhance cardiovascular endurance, and provide adaptogenic benefits. Additionally, it includes Vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin) for added energy support.

Pill Identifier: Capsule with dark brown powder


Stron BONE®

stron boneStron BONE® is intricately designed to assist the body in building robust bone strength and maintaining structural integrity. Infused with essential elements like strontium, boron, and other vital vitamins, it supports overall bone health.

Pill Identifier: Capsule with white powder


Total Human® B Complex

active bTotal Human® B Complex comprises a select range of B-vitamins meticulously chosen to bolster energy production, enhance cognitive performance, and facilitate optimal neural communication. The formula is methylated for superior absorption, ensuring maximum effectiveness.

Pill Identifier: Capsule with off white powder



  • Improved Cognitive Function: Alpha BRAIN® supports mental speed, memory, and focus, contributing to enhanced cognitive function.
  • Sustainable Energy Throughout the Day: Shroom Tech® SPORT provides cellular energy support, fostering sustained vitality throughout the day.
  • Bone Strength and Structural Integrity: Stron BONE® actively promotes the development of bone strength and the maintenance of structural integrity.

Night Formula

As the day gracefully transitions into night, the night formula from Onnit Total Human steps in to facilitate relaxation, aid in recovery, and promote rejuvenation during the crucial sleep cycle.

Onnit total human day pack

Onnit total human day pack and pills


New MOOD® is a specialized stress-response formula designed to address the challenges of winding down. It features key ingredients such as Valerian root and lemon balm, known for their calming effects. These elements, combined with serotonin-supporting ingredients, work synergistically to promote relaxation and emotional well-being.
Pill Identifier: Capsule with brown powder


virtutechVIRUTech® is a night formula component that goes beyond the usual. This formulation includes a powerful trio of immune-supporting elements: Vitamin C, selenium, and zinc. Together, they act as a robust shield, fortifying your immune system against external threats.
Pill Identifier: Capsule with orange powder

Key Minerals

key mineralsComprising essential elements like boron, calcium, iodine, magnesium, and molybdenum, Key Minerals play a pivotal role in providing total body support and optimization. Their synergistic action ensures comprehensive well-being during the night.
Pill Identifier: Capsule with white powder


  • Enhanced Sleep Quality: The night formula aims to elevate your sleep quality, ensuring a restful and rejuvenating night’s sleep.
  • Immune System Support: VIRUTech® contributes to immune system support, acting as a resilient defense against external challenges.
  • Total Body Support and Optimization: The inclusion of Key Minerals provides comprehensive support, optimizing various bodily functions throughout the night.

Common Ingredients in Both Packs

Certain ingredients in the Onnit Total Human pack provide optimal benefits when consistently taken throughout the day. These specific elements have been strategically incorporated into both the day and night packs, ensuring a continuous supply to support overall well-being. This thoughtful integration allows individuals to experience the full spectrum of advantages associated with these ingredients, contributing to a comprehensive approach to general wellness around the clock.

Onnit Total Human Both Packs

Shroom Tech® IMMUNE

Shroomtech immuneShroom Tech® IMMUNE, with its potent blend of nutritional mushrooms, herbs, and turmeric extract, actively reinforces the innate immune system. Regular supplementation may contribute to a strengthened defense against external threats, promoting overall immune resilience.

Pill Identifier: Capsule with orange powder

Krill Oil

Krill OilKrill Oil, rich in EPA & DHA, provides essential fatty acids crucial for various bodily functions. These omega-3 fatty acids are known for their role in supporting cardiovascular health, joint function, and overall well-being. Additionally, the inclusion of astaxanthin adds powerful antioxidant properties, offering protection against oxidative stress.

Pill Identifier: Black softgel

Spirulina & Chlorella

Spirulina and chlorellaSpirulina & Chlorella, the quintessential green superfoods, bring a wealth of micronutrients to the table. This nutrient-rich blend supports the immune system, offering a holistic approach to well-being. Furthermore, the endurance-promoting properties and heart health benefits make Spirulina & Chlorella valuable additions to your daily supplementation routine.

Pill Identifier: Capsule with dark green powder

By incorporating these common ingredients into both day and night packs, Onnit Total Human provides a comprehensive and synergistic approach to support your overall health and vitality. Regular use of these ingredients as part of the Total Human system may contribute to a balanced and thriving well-being.

Benefits of Common Ingredients in Both Packs

The common ingredients shared between the day and night packs of Onnit Total Human deliver a spectrum of health benefits. Shroom Tech® IMMUNE actively fortifies the innate immune system, enhancing overall resilience. Krill Oil, packed with EPA & DHA and enriched with astaxanthin, supports essential fatty acids for cardiovascular health and provides potent antioxidant protection. Spirulina & Chlorella, the dynamic green superfoods, offer a micronutrient boost, promoting immune strength, endurance, and heart health. Together, these ingredients create a holistic approach to well-being, contributing to a balanced and thriving state of health with regular supplementation of the Total Human system.

Ensuring Proper Usage: Best Practices

Incorporate these best practices to ensure a responsible and effective supplementation routine with this Onnit Total Human Pill Identifier guide:

Check Container Seals: Confirm the containers are sealed upon receipt to guarantee freshness and authenticity.

Open Packets Responsibly: For Onnit Total Human, open packets only when ready to take them to preserve potency.

Consistent Regimen: Follow a consistent regimen, incorporating both day and night formulas for comprehensive support.


This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.

Closing Thoughts

Understanding the Onnit Total Human Pill Identifier empowers users to make informed choices for their well-being. By identifying each pill correctly and following best practices, users can unlock the full spectrum of benefits that Onnit Total Human has to offer.

A Guide to Mushroom Supplements and Their Benefits

Mushroom Supplements

Introduction to Mushroom Supplements

Mushrooms can be found all over the world but edible varieties are mostly grown in the warm and humid climates. Mushrooms are often considered to be fungus, but they are actually classified as a vegetable.

Used in cooking for centuries, mushrooms are used in many different dishes across the globe, including soups, sauces, main dishes and side dishes.

Healthy mushrooms contain many vitamins and minerals that can improve gut flora and boost immunity. This is why they are often used in dietary supplements or mushroom supplements to help people stay healthy or maintain their wellness levels.

Benefits of Mushroom Supplements

Mushrooms supplements are the key to boosting immunity, reducing inflammation, and strengthening the immune system.

The benefits of mushroom supplements are not just limited to their use as food for humans, but also as animal feed and other industrial applications.

Mushrooms are a plant that have, for centuries, been praised for its ability to boost the immune system and offer other health benefits. Mushroom supplements are being explored as a way of increasing exercise volume by enhancing the production of nitric oxide in the body.

A study which was published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology in 2017 found that athletes who supplemented with mushrooms had less muscle fatigue, below is an excerpt from that study which can be found here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5584359/

Edible and medicinal mushrooms function to mitigate muscular fatigue by affecting blood lactic acid and glycogen storage, blood urea nitrogen level, relevant enzyme activities, metabolic regulators, and expression of relevant transporters.

Health Issues That Can Be Treated With Mushroom Supplements

Nowadays, many people are suffering from health issues and have no idea what to do. The good news is that there are mushroom supplements to help them out. These supplements can treat a variety of different issues such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stress, insomnia, skin problems and more.

In this article you will learn about the many health issues that can be treated with mushroom supplements and how they work.

Which Types of Mushrooms Make for the Best Mushroom Supplements?

Whether you are looking for a nutritional supplement or just want to add some tasty extras to your diet, mushrooms are an excellent option.

Mushrooms are the fruiting bodies of fungi that grow in the form of a cap or stalk. They can be found all over the world, in various habitats and climates. There are over 100,000 varieties of mushrooms, but not all of them make for safe supplements.

As to which types of mushrooms make the best mushroom supplements, it depends on what you want out of your supplement. For instance to boost your exercise volume and assist in anaerobic performance Onnit’s Shroom Tech uses cordyceps sinensis which is a fungus closely related to the mushroom. This has been show in a number of studies (click here to read one) that have shown to help with anaerobic exercise.

How to Find a Quality Mushroom Supplement?

We all know that diet is an important part of our general health. A healthy diet can also help us prevent diseases. But it’s hard to convince everyone to eat right. That is why many supplements are developed. The supplement industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, but there are many different types of supplements on the market.We have to be careful when selecting one for ourselves because not all are built the same way or use the same quality of materials.

Do Mushroom Dietary Supplements Help Mental Clarity?

In the article titled ‘9 Health Benefits of Lion’s Mane Mushroom’ Healthline.com list the following ways that lions mane mushroom can potentially help with mental clarity and other mental and physical conditions. The reason I cite this article is that Healthline.com thoroughly researches and provides links to published studies. They’re a great resource for anything health related if you want to dig a bit deeper. Here are the 9 benefits of Lions Mane mushroom:

1. Could Protect Against Dementia

2. Helps Relieve Mild Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety

3. May Speed Recovery from Nervous System Injuries

4. Protects Against Ulcers in the Digestive Tract

5. Reduces Heart Disease Risk

6. Helps Manage Diabetes Symptoms

7. May Help Fight Cancer

8. Reduces Inflammation and Oxidative Stress

9. Boosts the Immune System

Do Mushroom Supplements Work?

As with any supplement it is important to speak to a health professional about your ailments before trying something new. Any medication or supplement can have an effect on you in a negative way. Talk to your preferred health professional about your ailment and the supplement you are thinking of taking.

In terms of the supplement you are looking to take, wether that is mushroom based or other, look up each ingredient to get a good understanding of what they do and the potential side effect.

Onnit Total Human vs Thorne Elite

In the article we examine the key elements between Onnit Total Human vs Thorne Elite and what makes them a great addition to your diet and supplement routine.  Both of these products are awesome, but there could be some key differences that help you to choose the one that suits you best.

Onnit Total Human

What is Onnit Total Human?

Onnit has combined 10 of their finest products including essential vitamins, minerals, herbs, and amino acids to bring you Total Human, a combination mind and body enhancement supplements that goes beyond a multivitamin to help you become a better version of yourself in more ways than one.

Everyday multivitamins contain vitamins and minerals that can help regulate the health and performance of certain systems in the body. Total Human optimises body and mind by targeting specific systems with its high quality compounds.

>>>Get Onnit Total Human Today<<<

How Does Onnit Total Human Come Packaged

total human packTo make it very easy to get the right supplements at the right time in the day, Onnit has packaged Total Human in the most convenient way. In your 30 day supply you will receive 60 individual packs consisting of 30 day packs and 30 night packs. This is a lot easier and convenient to manage than having 10-15 different bottles that you have to take individual pills out of each time you need to take them.

Day Pack

total human day support If you need more focus, more energy, better endurance and great general health then Total Human morning packs are designed for you. Packed with all the right ingredients to help you perform at optimum level through the day


Alpha Alpha Brain
Often called the no. 1 nootropic product in the world, Alpha Brain is formulated specifically to boost your mental speed, memory and focus. By supporting your alpha brain waves it supports the production and maintenance of neurotransmitters to promote cognitive functions in the brain.

Shroom Tech Sport
Cellular energy and cardiovascular endurance are needed in a high paced world when you need to perform at your peak, Shroom Tech Sport uses a combination of ingredients along with Vitamin B12 to give you that energy and endurance.

Stron Bone
Boron, Strontium and other vitamins contribute to helping your body to build strong bones which leads to great structural integrity.

Total Human B Complex
Mental performance, brain communication and energy production are essential to becoming a better version of yourself, with a range of B vitamins in the Total Human B Complex pack you get all you need to get to the next level.

Night Pack

total human night supportWhen you get up in the morning you are wanting to get your mind and body into a state that enables you to be ready for the day. It’s the opposite at night, you are wanting to wind down and enter into a relaxation and recovery mode, both mentally and physically. The night pack consists of key elements to nourish your body through this rest and recuperation period so that you are able to wake up feeling refreshed and rested ready for the day ahead.


New Mood is a mix of ingredients that support serotonin production and promote relaxation with a stress-response formula. This formula consists of Valerian root, lemon balm, and a range of other ingredients to support you through the night.

Having a good immune system helps to ward off sickness and keep you in top form. VIRUTech is a mix of Vitamin C, selenium and and zinc.

Key Minerals
In order to support and optimize your bodily functions you need some key minerals. KeyMinerals include boron, calcium, iodine, magnesium, and molybdenum.

How to Take Onnit Total Human

Morning Pack: 3 capsules are to be taken with a meal in the morning unless recommended otherwise by a health professional.

Night Pack: 3 capsules are to be taken with a meal in the morning unless recommended otherwise by a health professional.

What Total Human Isn’t

Total Human isn’t just a multivitamin. Most multivitamins are just filling a nutritional void that a poor or non-balanced diet creates by bombarding the body with minerals and vitamins. Rarely do these supplements improve or support overall systems that support the body and mind. Onnit’s Total Human is a curation of the company’s best and most popular products to enhance keys systems and functions of the body.


The Total Human® packs are designed to set the foundation for healthy daily supplementation, whether you get your nutrition at home or on the go. Use them as a starting point, and see what you may want to add to your regimen from there.

Total Human® is designed to be synergistic with the complete line of Onnit products. For example, if you find the day packs aid your cognitive performance, supplementing with additional Alpha BRAIN® or other formulas can help deliver even more nourishment and support, assisting the body to create a higher sense of optimization.

See Onnit.com for the full article

Onnit Total Human vs Thorne Elite

Thorne Elite

What is Thorne Elite?

Thorne Elite, also known as Multi-Vitamin Elite, is a multi vitamin that is NSF Certified (NSF International is an American product testing, inspection and certification organization.) and formulated to promote energy production in the morning and enhance recovery at night. Which makes it the perfect formula for an active lifestyle with a focus on athletic performance.

Both the day and the night formulas are packed with a full range of vitamins and minerals in a form that is conducive to fast absorption.

How Does Thorne Elite Come Packaged?

The AM and the PM packages both contain vitamins and minerals to support basic bodily functions for a healthier lifestyle.

Vitamin D – supports, maintains and promotes a healthy immune system and strong bones.

B vitamins – supports the heart, blood vessels and general nerve health.

Vitamins K1 and K2 – support healthy bones and blood vessels.

AM Formula

As mentioned above this formula is designed for energy production in the morning and has the following ingredients:

Meriva – We all know what it’s like to wake up with muscle soreness, Meriva provides relief from both muscle and joint stiffness or  soreness by supporting joint mobility and inflammatory balance.

Green tea phytosome is an active ingredient that supports the fat burning process. Green tea also contains flavonoids for energy production on a cellular level. Not to mention the ani oxidant properties of green tea.

PM Formula

Night time is when your body recovers and recuperates from the days activities.  The PM formula for Elite contains a blend of Magnolia and Phellodendron extracts packaged as Relora, which actively regulate cortisol levels. Cortisol levels can be attributed to anxious feeling, restlessness and also effect weight management. Also aiding in a restful sleep is extra magnesium.

Ingredients and What They Do

Brain health – B vitamins, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Selenium,

Heart health – B vitamins, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Magnesium, Chromium

Eye health – Vitamin A, Zinc, Beta-carotene, Selenium

Healthy aging – Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Magnesium, Calcium

Immune support – Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc, Vitamin K

Bone health – Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Calcium, Boron, Magnesium


In one trial, athletes who took Multi-Vitamin Elite P.M. fell asleep faster and achieved better sleep quality. Because an athlete needs to know that his or her nutritional supplements are trustworthy and compliant, all batches of NSF Certified for Sport® products are tested for compliance with label claims and to ensure the absence of more than 200 substances

  • including stimulants, narcotics, steroids, diuretics, beta-2 agonists, and masking agents

  • banned by many major athletic organizations.

See www.thorne.com for more

As with all medication and supplements there could be possible side effects and contraindications, the warnings below can be found at www.thorne.com/products/dp/multi-vitamin-elite


ALLERGY WARNING This product is contraindicated in an individual with a history of hypersensitivity to any of its ingredients.

Iodine may occasionally cause an allergic reaction in some individuals.

PREGNANCY WARNING If pregnant, nursing or trying to conceive, do not use this product; otherwise consult your health professional before using this product.

INTERACTIONS/CONTRAINDICATIONS Because vitamin K interferes with the effect of anticoagulant drugs (like Coumadin), the concurrent use of these agents should be avoided.

5-methyltetrahydrofolate supplementation is not recommended concurrently with methotrexate cancer therapy because they can interfere with methotrexate’s anti-neoplastic activity; however, this folate source has not been shown to interfere with the anti-inflammatory activity of methotrexate. Therefore, an individual taking methotrexate for psoriasis or rheumatoid arthritis can safely take a supplement containing folate.

Curcumin has been shown to reduce the therapeutic efficacy of cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan) in animal studies. In vitro research reveals that curcumin decreases camptothecin-induced death of cultured breast cancer cells. Curcumin might also interfere with the absorption and efficacy of the chemotherapy drug irinotecan, used to treat colon cancer. The concurrent use of curcumin with these agents should be avoided.

ALLERGY WARNING This product is contraindicated in an individual with a history of hypersensitivity to any of its ingredients.

Iodine may occasionally cause an allergic reaction in some individuals.

PREGNANCY WARNING If pregnant, nursing or trying to conceive, do not use this product; otherwise consult your health professional before using this product.

INTERACTIONS/CONTRAINDICATIONS Because vitamin K interferes with the effect of anticoagulant drugs (like Coumadin), the concurrent use of these agents should be avoided.

5-methyltetrahydrofolate supplementation is not recommended concurrently with methotrexate cancer therapy because they can interfere with methotrexate’s anti-neoplastic activity; however, this folate source has not been shown to interfere with the anti-inflammatory activity of methotrexate. Therefore, an individual taking methotrexate for psoriasis or rheumatoid arthritis can safely take a supplement containing folate.

Curcumin has been shown to reduce the therapeutic efficacy of cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan) in animal studies. In vitro research reveals that curcumin decreases camptothecin-induced death of cultured breast cancer cells. Curcumin might also interfere with the absorption and efficacy of the chemotherapy drug irinotecan, used to treat colon cancer. The concurrent use of curcumin with these agents should be avoided.

Onnit Hydrocore Bag Review

onnit hydrocore bag

Onnit HydroCore Bag

The Onnit HydroCore bag can help you build strength, stability and explosiveness by tapping into the power of water dynamics. The all-in-one workout tool is the perfect partner for workouts anywhere. Just empty the water out, fold it up and take it with you when you travel.

Because the water is constantly want to keep travelling in the initial direction it’s moved you will be building stability all through your body. This helps you train for a wide range fo sports and activities or just general strength and fitness.

Imagine fitness equipment that teaches you good form? Sounds crazy, but the momentum of the water helps you to learn the correct timing and speed. The aim is to work with and keep the flow of the water as you go through the motions of your exercises. If there is too much sloshing of the water then you will need to adjust you timing and rhythm.

The Onnit HydroCore bag is the ultimate “just add water” training equipment that trains your whole body while benefitting from stability from head to toe, muscle strength and explosiveness, less weight with better results, portable equipment and instant feedback.

What is an Onnit Hydrocore bag?

A Hydrocore bag, also called a water bag or an aqua bag, is essentially a water bladder the shape of a boomerang or ox yoke. Who better to be the inventor of this fitness device than a guy who has trained soldiers, MMA fighters and Hollywood actors. Maurizio Tangari came up with the design after being inspired by the inflatable boats that Navy SEALS use in their training and their missions.

The Onnit Hydrocore bag is similar to the Bulgarian Bag, both are modelled around a traditional method of training Eastern European wrestlers back in the day. The technique involved carrying small to medium farm animals over the shoulders and neck. This helped the wrestlers to build functional stability and strength.

Here’s how it works: Because the bag is partially filled with water, the water moves around and will naturally keep moving in the direction you move. Your body will then need to work hard to correct that and ensure you don’t break form.

There are a range of different exercises you can do with the Hydrocore bag, either as a stand alone exercise or exercises that mimic other equipment. You can squat with it, use it to press, mimic rowing, carry, throw and swing it.

And because of its tough construction your bag will keep its shape and won’t burst, so get tough with it and it will make you tough.

Onnit Hydrocore Bag vs Competitors

Ball stoppers on the handles – Improved grip without slippage
One way valve – When the water goes in it stays in, even with all the throwing around.
Light Weight – When empty the bag weights next to nothing and folds up so you can take it anywhere. When filled with water the bag only weighs 10 pounds, it’s the movement of the water that makes it so effective.
It’s fun – If a workout feels like play, you’re more likely to do it more often. You can do your workouts anywhere anytime, from the backyard to the beach.

Onnit Hydrocore Bag Exercises

1. Lunge With a Twist

Step 1. Hold the front of the bag in front of your chest with your hands up through the rubber handles. Try to keep the bag parallel to the floor throughout the exercise.

Step 2. Take a big step forward and lower your body into a lunge—your rear knee should end up just above the floor and the thigh of the lunging leg should be parallel to the floor.

Step 3. As soon as your foot touches down, smoothly twist your body in the direction of your front leg. Stabilize the bag, and keep your torso upright. Step back to the starting position. Repeat on the opposite leg.

2. Pushup On Bag

Step 1. Place the bag on the floor with the horn ends pointing toward you. Get into a pushup position with your hands on the bag and brace your body.

Step 2. Keeping your head, spine, and pelvis in a straight line, lower your body until your chest touches the bag, and then press back up.

3. Bent-over Row

Step 1. Hold the bag by the sides with arms extended, and bend your hips back while keeping your head, spine, and pelvis in a straight line. Your torso should end up nearly parallel to the floor.

Step 2. Row the bag to your belly explosively, drawing your shoulder blades down and together as you pull. The row will cause the water to slosh around inside the bag—stabilize it, and keep your balance.

For more exercises and the origianl article where the above exercises can be found: https://www.onnit.com/academy/hydrocore-bag-training-for-an-unshakeable-body/

Onnit vs 1st Phorm Brain Supplements

Brain supplements or nootropics are becoming very popular these days as a way to get increased focus and concentration without the downside you get from coffee and energy drinks. Onnit and 1st Phorm and two major players in this space and they both have great products so lets have a look at comparing Onnit vs 1st Phorm


Onnit is a health supplement company located in Texas, US started by Aubrey Marcus who was looking o create a company and a legacy that would help sportspeople and everyday people to become better versions of themselves. They have been producing quality fitness and nutritional products for over ten years, with a strong focus on sourcing products from the best ingredients around the world. All of their products and supplements are created with the intent to support the body in a holistic way. All of the food and supplements that leave the Onnit factory are as close as possible to how they are found in nature.

Onnit offers more than 250 different products from protein powders to gut health and brain supplements as well as fitness equipment and apparel, but it all started with Alpha Brain which is a nootropic that supports memory, improves focus, aid mental processing and helps to keep yo in a state of flow or in the zone.

In their mission statement online, Onnit says that it focuses on helping people to improve their physica, mental and spiritual wellbeing. All of their products and supplements reflect that mission wholeheartedly..

Onnit’s inventory of supplements can be grouped in the following categories: immune system support, brain health, mood and sleep, performance, vitality, essential nutrients, and, and digestive health. Along with the right supplements there is also a large range of fitness programs and equipment.

Wether you are looking to improve body, career, health or your relationships you will need to adopt new habits that allow you to be open minded, calm and focused.

What Is The Purpose Of Total Human Optimization
Optimization is a process and not a prize. A journey—not a destination. To be truly optimized is to live up to your potential at any given moment. At the same time, we recognize that your potential today is not the same as it will be in a year if you stay the course, so to judge yourself today on the standards of tomorrow is foolhardy. To start optimizing effectively now, you only have to recognize that the mind, body, and spirit are interconnected.

Onnit vs 1st Phorm Brain Supplements

Onnit Brain Supplements

Onnit’s flagship product, Alpha Brain, helps to get you in the zone while at the same time supporting focus, memory and cognitive processing speed. Onnit has sold over 1 million bottles of Alpha Brain making ti their number one selling product.

There are two main elements of brain function that you need working better if you want to feel in the zone.  Having more alpha waves and more production of neurotransmitters – these are the chemicals that transport information in the brain and also to and from the rest of the body.

Alpha Brian has been specially formulated with certain clinically-tested nootropic ingredients  that can help promote alpha waves  neurotransmitter production in the brain.

If you want to feel like you are firing on all cylinders and experience mental clarity then Alpha Brain Supplements are for you.

1st Phorm

1st Phorm International is the premium supplement company based in Missouri, United States. The company was started in 2008 by brothers Sal Frisella and Andy Frisella, and best friend Chris Klein. The three grew up together and attended St. John Vianney High School.

1st Phorm are fully committed to there product and that’s why they offer a 110% no questions asked, money back guarantee on all of their products. They are also 100% committed to providing the best customer service they can and showing the utmost respect and care when dealing with customers.
This is a company that not only focuses on the business but equally on their employees, their product and their customers. Ultimately they care about the results that their customers can achieve when they use 1st Phorm products.

Their philosophy is about “providing the very best products with an error-free and outstanding customer experience. Second to no one in any industry, in any part of the world!”
1st Form offer products under three main categories – weight loss, sports performance and muscle building and under these three categories protein powders and bars, pre work, post workout, multivitamin, fat burners, general health and wellness, vegan friendly and kids supplements.

1st Phorm Brain Supplements

onnit vs 1st phorm

Some days we need a little help focusing and concentrating on our tasks ahead…and coffee just doesn’t cut it! Your brain needs nutrients to operate at its best, just like your body. MasterBrain was designed to do just that to help you with razor sharp focus and concentration through the day.

This brain supplement contains ingredients that have been clinically studied and designed give you optimized memory recall and retention.

When you need to be at the top of your game MasterBrain will help you with increased memory, better concentration, better problem solving, promote cognitive ability and also help with better REM sleep

When it comes to brain supplements only you can decide who would win for you  when it coms to Onnit vs 1st Phorm.

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